4 September 2006

QSK120 Managing Risks and Optimising Potential

Study SWOT Analysis

A personal profile of my strengths and weaknesses, and any opportunities or threats to my study.

My Weaknesses

  • No previous university experience/preparation

  • Insufficient drive and self-motivation

  • Lack of strategies to achieve study objectives

  • Poor critical thinking

  • Social anxiety, lack of public speaking skills

My Strengths

  • Knowledge and experience of my subject

  • Confidence, working with others, seeking help if I need it, learning from mistakes, dealing with stress

  • Having clearly defined goals

  • Time management skills

  • Literacy (reading, writing) and research skills

  • Problem solving skills

  • Using the computer and the internet

Threats to my Study

  • financial - if I lose my income and/or need to find full time work

Opportunities for my Study

  • my current part time job - provides internet connection, work in my field

  • online communities - provides a support network of people in similar situation


I am undertaking the SSK12 course to help me prepare for university study, and practise critical thinking. As an external student I expect my lack of speaking prowess will not be a great issue. Remaining focussed and committed to my study goals will be the major challenge; maintaining control over my progress by defining achievable objectives will make this easier.

The financial threat - if I lose my part-time job, is something I should keep at the back of my mind and I should remain informed and aware of alternate job opportunities.

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