18 October 2006

Tutor Advice for Essay 2

Hello all,

In response to a few queries about Essay 2, I have compiled the following material to (hopefully) help you pull the questions apart.

Feel free to discuss these topics with your wonderful tutors in your tutorial groups.


Phil (E-tutor)

Essay 2

**Firstly, do not wait for the feedback from Essay 1 before you start planning and working on Essay 2.

Unlike the first essay, this essay is about students in general, not about the individual student. However, if the question directs you to provide examples from your own experience, then this is what you must do.

Topic 1.

Barbara Grant (1997) asserts that the end product of university education is a 'docile' student. Critically discuss this statement with reference to ideas contained in relevant SSK12 materials on culture and universities, and your own experience of university.

READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY.NOTE THE DIRECTIVE WORDS/PHRASES such as "critically discuss", "with reference to", and "your own experience".

What will your thesis be? Do you agree with Grant's statement? What is meant by "docile" student? What other words draw your attention in the question? What about "end product"? That to me, sounds like a factory production line!

Now we want you to think in terms of university culture. What is culture within the university? What examples can you think of? Remember, culture is linked to language (eg. are we expecting you to communicate ideas to us in a particular way? Yes, we want you to write academic essays!). However, remember, communication isn't just about writing. Culture is also associated with rituals. Do we have rituals at university? Yes we do, we all get to dress up as peacocks and wear silly hats when we graduate! (that"s just one example). Is critical thinking a part of university culture?

Which readings do you think would be useful, apart from Grant? Where has culture appeared before? The lectures too may be useful.

Remember too, that you are now part of the system. Have you experienced ways in which the university has tried to "make you a docile student"?

Clearly, you can see how important it is to come to grips with some of Grant's ideas before you carry on.

Topic 2

Bizzell (1986) argues that in order to succeed in university it is necessary to become "bicultural". Critically discuss this idea drawing on relevant SSK12 materials and your own experience.

READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY.NOTE THE DIRECTIVE WORDS/PHRASES such as "critically discuss", "your own experience" etc.

Again, do you agree with the statement? Yes or no? Why and how? Make notes on this. Herein lies your thesis.

Pull the question apart with questions.

What does Bizzell mean by "bicultural"? What does this mean in terms of world view? Which articles may be relevant here (in addition to Bizzell?).

By the way, what do you consider a "successful" student? What does one have to do to be successful at university? Relate this to the idea of university culture and what it entails. Eg. do you think a good student would be one who engages in critical thinking? who follows all rituals? (oh oh, is there some relation to what Grant also talks about?).

Listen to Colin Beasley's lecture. There is already good discussion on this topic on the forums.

Topic 3

According to Marshall and Rowland (2006) "A university education that focuses on critical thinking is designed to encourage you to identify and question your world view with its values and assumptions" (p. 43). Critically discuss the concept of world view in academic culture and its effect on communicating at university.


NOTE THE DIRECTIVE WORDS/PHRASES such as "critically discuss" etc

What is our central concept here? The concept of world view in academic culture and its effect on communicating at university.

Again, what is world view? What does it mean in terms of studying at university?

What do we mean by communicating at university?

Where does critical thinking come into play here? Look again at the quote. What articles are useful here? Warren, Brookfield and listen to the lecture by Liana Christensen.

Always remember the WHOLE question. Now, think about the skill of critical thinking. It is something that you already have, however, at university we hope to build on this. In otherwords, critical thinking is an essential component of university culture (that word again!).

I hope this is useful. You can see that the topics, although separate, are linked somewhat. This part of the unit is dealing with the idea of university 'culture'. Thus, the topics reflect this.

Again, I hope this is useful,


Phil (E-tutor)

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