16 October 2006

Learning and remembering

How you learn, and how you remember information relies a great deal on YOU - your interest in the subject, your state of mind and your surroundings.

Reflection is vital to learning and remembering.

The information we comprehend is filtered by our world view, our senses, whether we have an active interest in the subject and how we feel.

We remember information because - it gives us pleasure, or we are interested in the subject; we apply ourselves to learning the information for work; or we are required to know the information, for example uni.


  • Pre-requisites for learning
    What is important to you
    When you are ready
    A way that suits you
    Building on what you already know
    Suspend the filter

  • Selecting what to learn
    Clarify question, objectives
    Select information that needs to be remembered
    How information is to be recorded and retrieved

  • Learning thoroughly - Once selected, the information needs to be learned thoroughly. Do what you can to sustain interest - make into a game or challenge.

  • Different ways for the same material - Repeat in different ways - read, listen, speak. Repeated and different ways helps understanding and memory.

  • Patterns and principles - Summarise visually

  • Study session techniques - Recognise different material cater for it

  • Memory keys - a precis of the information

  • Transferring what you learn - repeat and apply

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